Industrial Training Institute Latur, Dist.Latur

About Institute: – Industrial Training Institute, Latur was established in the year 1963 and has completed more than 50 years of useful service to the student community across Maharashtra by raising their living standards by imparting to them several income generating skills. Different trades of the institute are affiliated to NCVT. Apart from vocational skills, discipline is taught through right attitude towards work, principles of healthy and purposeful life. In order to update skill of the trainees this institution has made MOU with local industries for sharing the technical skill while taking training. As it is inevitable to make computer literate to all trainees in two IT labs with 25 computers having internet connectivity with 100 Mbps leased line is available. The most remarkable feature is the functioning of a most vibrant Placement Cell for this institution

Procurement Plan :-

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Grievance committee :- Latur Griveance Committee

Grievance committee From :-

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Complaint tracking LATUR

Contract Award Details ITI Latur

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